Vidwan-ID : 566344

Dr Soniya Soniya

Assistant Professor
Indira Gandhi National Open University


Language and Linguistics

Dr. Soniya earned her education in Sanskrit following traditional methods of studying in a residential Gurukul environment where she imbibed the traditional Vedic culture apart from studying and understanding Sanskrit. She also taught in the same environment to get trained as a teacher having uncontaminated values and traditions. Dr. Soniyaā€™s meritorious journey began with securing a gold medal in B.A. (Shastri) in 2006 from Kanya Gurukul, Chotipura, Maharishi Dayanand University, Rohtak. Then

Personal Information

Dr Soniya Soniya

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  • Assistant Professor

    Department of Sanskrit

    Indira Gandhi National Open University


  • Ph.D

    University of Delhi